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The Calm after the Storm...

It's been a busy weekend. One of those weekends that leave me wishing on Sunday that Monday was a Market Holiday. But alas it is not and we must forge on!

I'm headed to the bath, but wanted to jot down all the amazing parts of this weekend while they're still fresh in my mind and since Ten on Tuesday has pretty much FAILED recently, I'm going with Seven on Sunday? What can I say I like alliterations.

1| Aquaman turned 4 on Friday - as you can tell by my 3 posts about him this week. I just love my little pup so much and he is now snoring by my side. Life is good.

2| It's been kind of on the low down, but I have to say I am REALLY excited about my NEW co-worker that I get to start training on May 7th. Such a great opportunity for her - Oh, and she's a good friend of mine too! Looking forward to seeing her shining face more often!

3| The Oleson Ronnebeck family had quite the weekend together. We hung out Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We're not sick of each other... yet.

4| Friday night was Make your own pizza night, and Marbles!

5| Saturday I studied for 3 hours, and then Eric and Aquaman came to the library to rescue me. I was supposed to take it easy on the studying this weekend. Then we picked up the Olesons (dropped Aqua at home) and headed to Key arena to watch some DERBY!

6| Sunday I studied with Kat for awhile down at Marine View, and then We all went to Lowes to pick out stuff for our garden for the summer. Tim and Eric spent the day weeding and planting, and Katherine and I went gallivanting. Eric and I wrapped up the night by watching the Muppets... LOVE it!

7| Speaking of gallivanting - would someone remind me the next time I decide to go into a Vegan store it might be kind of me to leave my LEATHER purse in the car. Thanks.

What a wonderful weekend - back to the grind. The Big test is scheduled for June 4th... It's ON!


Eeekkk..... Leather! How many funny looks did you get? Any one crazy enough to say something?

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