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Comicon Art & Books 2012

This year at Comicon we had quite the haul of original art and books! I am super excited about every piece and I would rave about each artist, but really, they were all pretty great! The first up is Vinny Navarrete who is the artist of "Dear Dracula" and his new book "Sketch Monsters". Being a fan of "Dear Dracula" I was pretty excited to see  him back at the comicon for a sketch and the new book!
Eric took my "Dear Dracula" book back on Sunday to get it signed, and he ended up getting another sketch - my third from Vinny. I love each one!

Scott Campbell does a lot of really cute drawings, I enjoy his art quite a bit, but when I saw one of his newest books out called "Zombie in Love" I couldn't pass it up! He drew a little zombie dog in there after he signed it! Sweet Zombie Times!
I found Ray Fawkes by complete accident last year, and ended up buyin Posessions 1 & 2 and loving the little poltergeist Garzumel. I picked up book # 3 this year, and look forward to #4 next year!

I came across these books by chance this year. Roller Derby + Comics = Happy Abby!

 Another book I happened upon - Stix & Bones, about a girl and her Dog and their adventures! Darrell Toland was really happy I came by and ended up taking his book home! I can't wait to crack it!

 On to the more serious art we picked up...

This is "The Sandman" by : Matt Wagner

This is "The Rhino" (from the Spiderman Animated Series) by: Sean Galloway

"Man of Bats"  (the native american Batman)

By: Chris Burnham
 More Scott Campbell art work : "Garfield VS: Lasagne & Mondays"

"Samurai Warrior" 
By:  Jonathan Hill
 One of my personal favorites ... "Shazam vs: Croc" by: Evan Shaner
 "Damian Wayne Robin" By: Dean Trippe        
"The Sandman" By: Aaron Campbell

 "Batman" By : Michael Cho
"Robin" By : Marcus To

And Eric's Ultimate Favorite... "The Sandman" By: Francesco Francavilla
Back to the Cute Stuff! This is my "Rat City Rollergirl" By Maris! We saw Maris last year and decided not to get a sketch by her immediately regretting it once we got home. So glad we caught up to her this year!

 Eric brought this home for me today found it for $5! It's pretty much a Wonder Woman encyclopedia... YEAH!

 These are two of my personal favorites for obvious reasons. They're by Katie Cook.

She draws very cute stuff... and she had a sign that said "Ask me to draw your pet" so we did!
 I don't have a Chewbacca for a pet, but she draws one cute Chewy so I thought I'd ask!
The Close ups - I love how "angry" Gracie looks... Cracks me up!

It was such a great Con! What a wonderful weekend - Thanks to everyone!


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