Christ is Risn'
Okay, now that I got that out of my system...
Happy Easter Everyone!
I don't have much to report... I guess... I did some marathon posting last weekend, and then for some reason was quiet all week. I guess maybe I ran out of blog-gas! At least my last 3 posts were pretty awesome to make up for it!
We had a really nice Easter weekend, and the sunshine renewed my spirit a little.
I know that most people get affected by the rain, but I think I need to figure out some vitamin supplements because I get positively grouchy.
This weekend was great ... mostly because Friday morning started out with a Easter Bunny Shaped Krispy Kreme Doughnut... How could you go wrong from there? There was only one in the box and it was MINE! I'm a good sharer like that.
Friday night we went to a Good Friday tenebrae service at Resurrection Lutheran Church (RLC). We really enjoy RLC it is a very humble church, and though we don't' always agree with some of their basic beliefs (Missouri Synod), we generally enjoy the high holidays. Friday service did not disappoint! I walked out as I do with most Good Friday Services, a little bewildered, annoyed at myself and sad.
They showed this video, and though it's not earth shattering or new material, it made me examine myself a little bit.
As a general rule I think a lot of videos produced by the major Christian distributors are pretty cheesy, this one is only moderately cheesy, and I think it's a good thing to remember.
Saturday was spent for the first 5 hours studying at the Des Moines Library, I can't even put into words how ready I am to NOT spend 5 hours on a Saturday at the library, especially when it is as nice out as it was this Saturday! What a waste. On the plus side I now have a better understanding of Mutual Funds and packaged products. So HA Take that Series 7! As a reward for studying so hard I allowed myself to go to The Hunger Games with my hubby. What a great date night! It was a lot of fun!
Oh and the movie wasn't terrible either. There were a few key artistic choices I wouldn't have made myself being a HUGE fan of the books... but I think you're better off reading the books and THEN going to the movie than the other way around. It seems like there was a lot left to the imagination but all in all it was a decent adaptation of the book.
We laid down for a nap... and woke just in time for Easter dinner with Tim, Katherine & Tim's parents Judy & Marty!
We've shared a meal with the four of them for Easter before and it was REALLY great to see Judy & Marty again! Sharing dinner with Tim & Kat is just like family. We love being together for the holidays! We played around of GOLF (the cards) after dinner and spend some time just visiting! Yeah for Easter. It was so much fun! I smiled the whole way home.
I Hope you all had a wonderful Easter as well!
and remember....
HE IS RISN'......