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Ten on Thursday... Okay yeah I'm cheating - So what.

1| Feeling a little sassy today - wish things at work would get fixed, and I'll leave it at that. It's been a rough Thursday and God help me it's only 8:52am.

2| Despite #1 I have been trying really hard to "Choose my attitude". It's difficult, and stupid, and hard, and blah, but I LOVE IT (okay, see? choosing?!).

3| Eric took me to see The Dark Knight Rises and IT. IS. AMAZING. It's by far my favorite Batman movie so far. Any one who didn't like it... please write me an essay why, and then I'll show you why you're wrong ;) (See I told you I was feeling Sassy.)

4| It's been a good mail week for me. I've received a package every other day - and on Friday my replacement Fossil handbag comes! Yippee!!

5| Why the replacement you ask? Well, you remember the Fossil handbag I was in love with? Well, I decided it was going to Texas with me, and while sitting in the lobby of Reliant Stadium, I noticed that the straps were breaking. WHAT!? I had only had it since March, how could it possibly be BROKE! So I sent it to Fossil, Fossil couldn't fix it, so they gave me a gift card for the price of my hanbag + $10 for my troubles. So I purchased not one, but three Fossil items after I could not find my beloved Sea foam green Maddox satchel, perhaps they discontinued it because straps were breaking? Either way, It's a first world problem, and I giggled the entire time I was ordering my new handbag because what a freaking awesome problem to have.

7| In other news of broken items from Texas... Eric likes his replacement sunglasses too - but more importantly, I am looking into a new Canon. My Rebel broke at the San Antonio Riverwalk - Never travel with just one camera people, we travel with two and it totally saved our butts this time! So now I'm looking at the 60D. It's pretty.... :)

8| It's been nice taking a break from Studying this month, I get next month, and then I'll probably hit the books again. Sigh. Please Series 7 Gods, take pity on me.

9| Megan Slater (my favorite Jet City Rollergirl) sold me her B'Zerk wheels and Reds bearing set today for $50 (total steal) I am so excited to have a fast(er) set of wheels!

10| Speaking of Megan Slater, We went skating with our co-worker Mindy (as mentioned in a previous post) and now we've got Mindy hooked too... Bahwhwhahahahahah!!!! Also, Mindy jammed her thumb (sorry about that)...

11| HI JULIAN!!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm done!


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