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10 on Tuesday!

Aaand… Just like that I’m back in the game! Well, sort of. Here’s the best 10 on Tuesday I’ve got in me right now…

1| I’m sick. Like snotty, congested, coughing, scratchy throat, icky feeling type of sick. I didn’t sleep hardly at all last night because I was up coughing so much, and then not being able to catch my breath. Gross. I hate having a cold, it’s the worst, though it’s not the Flu so maybe I need to be counting my blessings. I am at work, though I think I may have called in sick if we weren’t down a team member right now. I’m a team player like that, not going to leave my co-workers stranded. However, I think I may need to call in sick to my Relay meeting tonight, I don’t want to chance getting my Relay Family sick, especially since Donna’s in the middle of a bunch of surgeries and procedures right now for her Breast cancer. Though I didn’t think about that for Mindy – I’m terrible… Sorry Mind, I’ve got hand sanitizer for you!

2| That being said? I’m on my 2nd  box of Kleenex today!

3| Eric and I are on the dieting train, we’re just calorie counting, but I think that’s a good start. We’re using It’s pretty awesome, If you’re looking into counting calories it’s an easy way to do it. I also downloaded the app for my iPhone, which comes with a nifty scanning feature.  All you have to do is scan the bar code and tell it how much you want to eat, and then it tells you how many calories are in it! I under ate my calorie count yesterday by 600 – and the app yelled at me. Apparently I need to eat at least 1,200 a day to keep my body from going into “starvation mode”, I would argue the 1,670 I am allowed IS starvation some days.

4| Our Relay for Life Kick Off Event is THIS WEEKEND! Sunday from 3-5 Come and BOWL with us for FREE at Hiline Lanes in Burien!

5| I officially cleaned off my desk in the bedroom last night to prep my space for the epic Series 7 studying that is about to take place. I’m passing this damn thing and I’m not taking NO for an answer. Seriously, I just want to move on with my life.

6| My Sissy (and my niece) are making noises about coming out to visit with me this summer, I am crossing my fingers that the planets align so we can have a nice visit together!

7| Eric and I are going to see The Book of Mormon (the Musical) with Tim and Katherine this weekend and I am SO excited, not nearly as excited as Wicked, but I have to say, this has gotten great reviews, and the comedy is right up our alley.

8| The Seahawk win made my house a happy place this weekend. I normally don’t bleed green and blue but this weekend I was certainly cheering for the Hawks, but that was for selfish reasons. I really did enjoy watching the game though – it would be nice to see the Hawks come home with the championship!

9| Just nabbed my 3rd box of Kleenex – yes, that happened.

10| Lots of fun posting about Christmas items over at you can find all my haunting fun over there! Hoping to keep it up to date more frequently than In the past… Which doesn’t say much, but I’m aiming for once a week, or every other week.


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