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Ten on Tuesday

1| For those of you who care, I have been fairing 29 just fine. I swear a few more grey hairs have popped in, but I have a good outlook - My Grandma Myla happens to be one fine looking silver haired lady... Bring it on! Plus, Eric already promised me he'd love me with grey hair, so now I REALLY don't have much to fear.

2| Headed BACK to the eye doctor on Thursday. I didn't really blog about it, but I went two weeks ago, and didn't love what the Doc had to say. She gave me a few trial pairs of contacts, but basically boiled it down to "Quit wearing those things so darn much". So, here I am all clad in my glasses, trying to be an obedient eye patient. I will let you know more about the appointment after Thursday.

3| My puppy isn't so much a puppy anymore. I see all my friends talk about their kids "Growing up" but I can start to see some old man traits in my Aquaman and it makes me sad. He's still a ball of energy though, no worries about that.

4| Gracie has decided she likes us. Don't stop the presses, but I'd be lying if I said I thought that this would ever happen. This morning I came back in the room from my shower to find her snuggled right up to Eric, IN BED. Did you just read that?! I can't believe I typed it!

5| My I Phone is the best thing that's ever happened to my crazy flow of a life. I think I spend more time on my cell phone while I'm in transit on the bus, and during my lunch hour, but I spend less time on the computer when I get home, so I'm going to call that a win.

6| My Relay for Life Teams and committee are rocking the HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! We've really been excelling this year - I love my dedicated committee - you should go LIKE us on FACEBOOK! Spread the cancer killing word people!

7| I've been asked to "Share my story" at a Team Captain Experience that the American Cancer Society is hosting in Burien next month. Last time I attempted to talk about Mom in public I ended up sobbing in front of some 150 people. That was not even a year after she passed, I think I can do this now. Plus, what a group of diligent listeners.

8| For the first time in the last 3 years I haven't been aching to go to a Derby Bout. I don't know if I've re prioritized or if I've seen too much "Inside track" on Roller Derby... either way I don't like it.

9| That being said, there's rumors about the Supersonics returning to Seattle and I couldn't be more excited for basketball - it's always been my first sport love.

10| I'm married to the man of my dreams - I know it's corny and you've heard it... but he makes my world so much happier. I came home tonight to a home cooked meal and a smile on his face. Hallelujah!


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