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Breathe ... And Balance

I kind of spiraled out of control the week before last, and it took me an entire week to recover. I feel like I'm running most of the time, and I often feel like I don't have time to catch my breath.

I do it to myself - it's not like I feel like people should feel sorry for me, I say "Yes" and "Of course I can take that on" too often, and hardly ever do I say "No", or "I'm sorry, I'm already overwhelmed".

It's especially hard for me to say things like this to my Relay group. They're amazing, and spend MOST of their time Relaying. I admire that more than anything. I wish I was in a place in my life where I could devote all my time to the Purple mafia, but I am not. I don't know that I will be for another year or so.

What I need to do is find my balance, and focus. I need to pass the Series 7, and even though I LOATHE studying for it, and it doesn't make much sense to me, the more time I put into it, the better off I'll be. I mean, this is my career after all.

Let's not forget to mention my ever patient Husband and family who just watch the purple flash, and then the complete melt down when I don't understand what I've just read.

What a mess I am some times.

That's okay - this weekend was about recalibrating. I had Relay stuff going on, but I decided for me, I needed to study this weekend, and spend some time with friends that I have been neglecting since this whole life has taken over me. So, here I am. Recalibrated and feeling good about it.

I even picked up my camera for a brief moment, it was to take Relay Pictures of my Dog, but still, it felt good in my hands. I am trying to pick it up more, it's such a release for me.

 He's my favorite subject... I am forever aware and in love with his willingness to put up with my array of crap! I've raised $706 to fight cancer so far this season - and I'm not stopping there. We have BIG events coming up - like our Mick Kelly's Fundraiser on the 17th of April - and our Spaghetti feed!

So, to wrap up with a little Relay Love... We have been kicking butt this year - Please consider getting us closer to our goal
And, thanks for letting me vent... it's been a rough week. But the sun is shining, and we'll get there :)


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