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Emerald City Comiccon!

This is my 6th Comicon or so, and it never gets old!
Each year I evolve into a bigger nerd, and each year I embrace it in a new way. This year, I decided to make headbands for each day that I went.
So day one I was sporting my Owly Head band (see below) and the artist and his mom were thrilled to see the fan-nerdgirl in me!

I had a 3 day pass with the intent on going for Friday and Saturday and then Reiner would take my pass for Sunday and go with his son Mike and Eric. It would not be Mike's First comicon, but he's 6 now, so he can really appreciate it! We sent along a new superman back pack with him, so I'm hoping he'll be 100% turned by the time he gets home.

Any ways, After work on Friday - actually Julie let me off at 2! I went and got in the WORLDS LONGEST LINE! It moved pretty quickly so I can't complain all that much, but when I walked in the door, It literally wrapped around the building outside and then through the overpass garden by the convention center. It was insane! I got in line at like 2:15 and I was finally IN the Con by about 3:15 or so.
Once I got inside the con, I met up with Eric and Lee who are my regular Comicon buddies! Eric took me straight to Andy Runton's Table, and I quickly spent about $60 bucks on a sketch, a new book and a few button's. His character Owly is a regular on this blog and a constant happy in my life, I am so glad that I get to see Andy every couple years and add some new Owly Swag to my collection! This year, he's making me a sketch of Owly Trick-or-Treating with his friends, which will look great with my Halloween stuff! I'm super excited to see it, Eric is picking it up today!

Then I spent most of the day wandering around by myself, we always part ways at the con and then come back together, and then part, and then come back... it's just the way we operate.

I walked by the display of the "Hunger Games" costumes they had... this was what Jennifer Lawrence wore as Katniss Everdeen while they were in the arena.
And this is what she wore as Katniss, and what Josh Hutcherson wore as Peta Mellark. This is such a great series - really strong woman character - how can you go wrong!?
Then I wandered around the "Exhibitor" area - and snagged this photo of Jordan Hembrough who is known as "The Toy Hunter" on the Travel Channel. He was at the con all weekend and you could take your toys to him and have them appraised. He seemed to have a TON of energy, and we walked by him a couple times, so you should watch the Emerald City Comicon episode of this - you may see us!
Eric's favorite thing to do at the comicon other than meet his favorite artists and writers is to get photos with the cosplay people. But only if he thinks their outfits are cool, or well done. So way to go cosplayers - you get the Eric Ronnebeck Stamp of approval!

Considering Adam West and Burt Ward were at the con this weekend - this guy's outfit totally caught Eric's eye. Eric did get to go meet Adam and Burt - which was great for him to finally get to meet his heroes!
More Cosplay! - That's Bane from the new Batman movie, and if you didn't know that, stop what you are doing RIGHT NOW AND GO WATCH THAT MOVIE!!!!!! It's great!

Here's Andy Runton and I. I love this guy - he's such a great artist, and so appreciative of his fans! Every single interaction I saw with him and a fan was a positive one, and I can't say that for every artist! I am impressed that he reconized me the next day when I stopped to check in on my art, and he always goes above and beyond to impress his fans. Bravo Andy - you're the best!

Andy's booth - with his Mom who bent over to hide as I took this shot :)

That's Katie Cook - I love this photo because Katie is so quirky and fun! Also, she has a ton of the little white corners around her feet - she rounds the corners on all of her little drawings. I will show you her art, and gush about her awesome sauce when I show you her art that she does. She's super duper friendly and always smiling!

We went up stairs, and ran into this guy... R2!

As we were leaving for the day - Eric gave his stamp of approval one more time!

When I got home I took this photo of my favorite toy pick ups from the weekend - Eve and Wall-e... How cute are they!?!?!?!

The next morning we didn't get going as early as we would have liked, but it worked out nicely because we rode the lightrail into town, and then walked up to the convention center.

Eric and I walked around together for the first two hours or so of the day, then we split up, and pretty much lost track of each other till about 3.

I ended up with quite a few books, and sketches from the artists, but we didn't do as much original art this year, we just didn't have anyone we HAD to have - and Eric has hit a lot of his favorites already.
Here's Wonder Woman and a Blue Lantern Corps guy - Aka: the Hope Corps, now you know where I got that from!
Eric with a RAD Doctor Doom - he also has Doctor Doom on his shirt, so that's kind of cool!

I love all the vintage comic stuff you find at a con - this was a comic rack that a booth had, it made me smile.

Cosplayers don't just do comic book heroes. This is Zucco from Nick's Avatar series - there were some GREAT costumes from that cartoon this year.

Here's Vinnie Navarrette from the Sketch Monster and Dear Dracula Fame. He is AWESOME. The first year I met him, I didn't have my Dear Dracula book with me, so he just gave me a sketch in our sketch book. He was thrilled that I owned the book, and did it for free. The next year I didn't know he was going to be there, and I ran into him on Saturday and bought his Sketch Monsters book, and he drew in my cover, and then Eric took my Dear Dracula book back on Sunday and he drew in the cover for me for that one too! This year him and the writer Josh have a new Sketch Monsters book out and so I saw him on Friday and brought My Dear Dracula and my Sketch Monsters and then purchased Sketch Monsters 2, and so Vinnie drew in my SM2 book, and then Josh signed all three, so now after 4 years of going to conventions and half missing these guys I have my complete collection signed by the author AND artist. I was pleased! Vinnie is another one of those guys who is super super nice to talk to - and remembers us year after year! He is so wonderful and talented. We hope that he keeps coming out with books so we keep chasing after his art!

After stopping by that booth Eric and I went up stairs and ran into PAUL SCHEER. Paul is a comedian and is in a LOT of shows, but most noteably for us "The League" He's hilarious, and I talked Eric into being brave and getting a picture with him - otherwise we'd have had to stand in line to see him. It was hard to break into their conversation, but I am so SO glad we did!

Eric was too!

Then we broke off from each other again and I ran into the worlds cutest Optimus Prime! I wish I would have gotten a heads on picture of him - he was adorable!

Found them again - and Eric got his picture with Larry Hama who is the author of the GI Joe File cards, and a great pencil artist - the guy is kind of a legend!

After that, we headed back over to the other side and met this guy - Israel Idonije. He's a line backer for the Chicago Bears - to which Eric said... "Go Hawks". Israel was super SUPER nice, and we had an awesome conversation with him. It was pretty cool to talk with him. He was super excited that we knew who he was. Well, Eric knew who he was, but the dude is HUGE so I wouldn't doubt that he's a football player!
After meeting Israel we went upstairs to attended a panel that featured Batman (Adam West) and Robin (Burt Ward) it was super funny! Before they came on we listened to Tonks from Harry Potter, and she was pretty good too.

Eric was pleased to be able to see the panel and get to spend some time with his heroes.

After that, we left, I was spent, and completely exhausted.

Eric gave one more stamp of approval for this Bane....

And that's it folks - Comicon 2013 is wrapped for me!

I'm excited to see what 2014 holds, and excited to get posts up about my books and art, but that's not till after I clean my much neglected household.

To see photos from previous years. Click on the links below!
Books / Art 2012
Comicon 2012
Books/Art 2011
Comicon 2011
Comicon 2010
Original Art 2010
Comicon 2009


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