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What I did, what I didn't do and what I am inspired by!

This weekend was FULL - and my heart sings after having some rest, and some fun. I am ready (as ready as I'm going to get) to face a FULL week again... but I dare dream for the next weekend and the things that will fill it!

Things I didn't do...

Relay | This was the first weekend in a long time that I didn't sink HOURS into Relay, I love this organization and I bleed purple, but for me to be refreshed and excited to tackle it, I need to take time away from it too. I only answered a few e-mails and moved around a few shards of purple, but no deep paper diving or purple tutu making (that will have to wait for next weekend). Okay, so maybe I took a little inventory of banners, but in my defense it was only to free up space in my trunk - who knew the Honda Fit wasn't built for Relay?

Sleep In | Normally, I brag about my efforts to sleep for hours. I'm happy to announce that I didn't waste my time on Sunday or Saturday by sleeping in til noon.

Pick up my camera | I've been inspired to pick up my camera, I just haven't. One would think that if you're feeling inspired the first thing you'll do is pick up a camera. Apparently not me. I'm not too thrilled with myself on this one.

Followed my Diet | I'm sitting 30 pounds down from my pre-diet weight, however, I ate like CRAP this weekend! That's okay, the part of this that is hard is the weekends, I have a full week ahead of me and that brilliant machine fitnesspal has taken an additional 60 calories away from me - but I have faith I can do it.

Things I DID Do...

Skate | You heard it here first folks! I went rollerskating today for an hour and a half! What a release. I feel like $1,000,000!!! I know that I haven't been on my wheels, and I intend to ... much like my camera issues... however I hit the rink this afternoon, and the sweet smell of my derby pads made me feel like home!
And, I'll just throw it out there - this place wasn't nearly this empty the entire time - though I wish it was!
Blog | I have two posts pending over at and two here! Yay me!

Study | I read over my notes on Friday, listened to a tutorial on Saturday and listened to TWO tutorials and took 3 quizzes this morning. WIN! I've been hitting up Blue Vanilla on Sunday mornings to study - I eat eggs, bacon and some toast and they keep the coffee coming!

Saw Family | It's so wonderful to type that! I am so blessed to have Gene and Christina and their little one Demi just down the road in Auburn to visit! Baby Kneeland (Harvey? lol) is on his way soon! Can't wait to snuggle my newest little cousin! I quickly made Demi a tutu before I headed over there, and it was a HIT! Sorry to Gene & Christina if she is not wanting to take it off! She looks adorable in it though!
Who am I kidding? This kid looks adorable in anything!

Happy Hour with Megan | we really need to work on doing this more often. Megan and I have such a darn good time, and it's nice to get a little "venting" done with a fellow co-worker. I love that we have such an easy friendship, we laugh a lot - and have similar interests even though we are night and day different!
I took a few of these shots on my way home from happy hour - everything looks prettier with a couple glasses of wine!

Snuggled my family | I had a great weekend snuggling with Eric and Aquaman! I love my boys!

What I'm Inspired by for this week...

Movies I watched  | The Wizard of Oz... and The Hunger Games - two totally different films that speak to my heart in two totally different ways. 
A Quote | "Just because you are struggling does not mean you are failing. Every great success requires some kind of struggle to get there." - My new Mantra.


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