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Having this last week off seems to be just the remedy for a busy past couple months. It was nice to have the time to spend doing things I love with the people I love.

We spent time seeing movies, hanging out with friends, and just enjoying eachothers company without early morning wake up times, and early bed times.

For Thanksgiving we celebrated our 7th annual Thanksgiving with Tim and Katherine here at the Oleson/Ronnebeck residence. We stuffed ourselves silly and then hung out on the couches and watched some T.V. Sounds riveting, doesn't it? Well, it was awesome!
Sound Wave - The Sounders Band
The day after Thanksgiving my alarm clock went off at 5 am for a very special reason... the DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING PARADE!!!

I have only ever been once, but I was thrilled to go again. It's not an annual tradition I'm looking to make, but an every 5 years or so it could be fun!

Blitz the SeaHawk!

Blue Thunder - SeaHawk drumline.

A few mobile Nutcrackers

Dino-Mite Holiday fun!

The Snow Princess



So, SO Glad he's here... I am ready to ring in the holiday season! The best part of the parade was having my little Cousin Cara with me! It was a lot of fun bonding time for us! Kat also joined us, and it was a fun girls day downtown! We had two little girls sitting in front of us during the parade, and they were SO excited! They were the funnest part to watch! When Santa arrived, one of them jumped up and down screaming "Santa.... Santa!!! Do you remember me?!?! It's Sadie!!!" I love the wonder in little children!

After the parade - Kat went to meet up with a friend and Cara and I hit up Macy's to see their beautiful SantaLand! Then, we headed to the famous Athenian to grab a bite to eat! After that, we met up with Kat again and took in a few last Seattle Christmas icon's before we hopped on the Light rail home.

Kat and I at the Tree downtown!

Cara and I

The Three of us :)

 After spending the day with Cara and Kat downtown, we swung back home and picked up Eric and headed over to Gene's to have leftovers and watch Christmas Vacation. Lucas was dressed like a little elf and happy as ever!

This morning, Eric and I woke and headed to our storage unit to get our Christmas Decorations. Then, we came back to the house to put up our tree!

I really love that our Tree fits perfectly tucked into that little corner! 
Right next to the fireplace... Ah... perfection!

Welcome Christmas.... Christmas Day!


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