Growing up a Vikings fan is a slow, painful, heartbreaking experience. I grew up learning of the "Glory Days" Of Alan Page and the Purple People Eaters, my Brother and Dad were both die hard fans, so on Sunday, there was no other choice than to sit and watch Vikings football. I'll admit, I donned a jersey more than once and made a trip to the Metrodome in hope (and prayers) that our boys would pull it out. But, if you know anything about football (at all) you know that the Vikings stink. They have had 4 Superbowl appearances without a win, and have lost their last 5 NFC Championship Games.
So, when I moved to Seattle, I vowed to not fall in love with the Seahawks, as I had already had enough heartache in my football loving life. Also, after having been "encouraged" to watch football every Sunday always and forever, I was ready to give up the tradition. In 2006 the Seahawks even went to the Superbowl, but I refused the bandwagon and went on my merry way.

This year, I wanted a Seahawks tee shirt for Christmas, and when Eric couldn't find one he really liked for me, he got me a "Shermie" hat knowing I'd be thrilled. And I am. I can't stop watching him play, and all the interviews, and all the funny stuff this guy gets into. I don't know that he'll be a Seahawk forever, but I'll be his fan forever, and for now, that makes me a Seahawk fan too.
Though, If he moves on, I don't think I'll shed the blue and green, there's something about "Cheering for the home team" in a city that LOVES their football. I have never seen such support and love for a team. After the win on Saturday - the building lit up with 12 - and every building down town has green or blue lighting and a 12th man flag flown right next to the American Flag. This city bleeds blue and green. I was down town after the win on Saturday and saw a man running in a Shermie hat and his BVD's with a 12th man flag screaming at the top of his lungs... I guess he was excited we won. It's well known, if you see another fan wearing any sort of Seahawk gear, and you make eye contact the correct response is "Go Hawks!". It's infectious.
So, my dear Viking fans... I'm sorry I've left your squad, Though I did get "Permission from my Dad" and, I still hate the Pack AND Brett Favre though, if that's any consolation!
If you need a good laugh, or want to know what I mean about Sherman being funny... check this video out! I love his attitude.