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Abby Factoids...

I feel like I should have written this long, thought out post about turning 30, and I had really great intentions to, but somewhere along the line, I kind of lost my blogging Mojo. Maybe it was the move, maybe it was the Seahawks winning the Super Bowl, maybe it’s the nagging pain in my right hand, whatever the motive, the mojo has somewhat returned, so I’m going to capitalize on that, and post (albeit 1 week later) an Abby-centric post.

Now, I may remind you that turning 30 was something that totally paralyzed me with fear last week for reasons unknown to me, and for whatever reason I was unable to adequately describe my thoughts to my friends/family/coworkers as to why 30 was so traumatic for me, and still, I remain speechless, I’m not sure what about it that drives me a little crazy, but I do know that I’m ready to face it now, because, well, what other choice do I have?

So, here’s some “Factoids” about me since you know, celebrating a birthday is all about ME - In saying goodbye to my 20's here are 20 factoids!!

1| I was kind of a mess in my early 20’s. Looking back now, I feel like I made all the right decisions, but in retrospect, I can see why my Mom was trying to talk me out of picking up and moving across the country with $1,000 in my pocket.

2| I had several jobs in my 20’s, but if you don’t count my current career, my favorite job was working at I-29 Shell. Don’t judge, Gas Station attendant was a great job for me! I got to see lots of people, and provide customer service while cooking and cleaning, I was in heaven. My second favorite was probably the Corner Bar and Grill, I loved bartending!

3| I never drank coffee until I moved to Seattle – Maybe it’s because I’m an “adult” now or maybe it’s because Seattle is the coffee capital of the world? But, I’m a 2 cup a day sort of girl now, and I can barely function during the week without it.  My preferred drink of choice (non-holiday) at Starbucks is a Venti Quad 2 Pump Hazelnut Soy Latte. For this week anyways.

4| I love office supplies. My favorites are Post-it notes or small paperclips. I think it’s a good thing I work in an office setting.

5| I am a sucker for a good trend or fad, and I often don’t catch on to it until months (and months) or sometimes years later! Read: today I am wearing tall boots and tights… so 2013!

6| When eating gummy bears I eat them by color, and I always eat the yellow one’s last, because they’re my favorite. This also applies to M&M’s and Skittles, not Starburst though – for Starburst it’s pink. I am very systematic anytime I eat anything.

7| The Harry Potter series made me become a reading member of society. I started book 1 when book 7 came out, and rabidly read each book. I’ve now read the series 5 times.

8| There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t miss my family in South Dakota, but just about every day there are things that I find I don’t miss about living in the Midwest. Even though it rains here a lot!

9| I have hiked on a national monument – Crazy Horse.

10| I LOVE TO RUN - and I never thought in a million years I would ever become a runner. I even think about DYING on the playground every time they made us run a timed mile. I think I had the MOST excuses of anyone in my class *not* to run the mile. One time I remember making myself sick on the day we had to run the mile, so Mom would have to come pick me up from school. To run for “fun” now is just laughable but I love every step!

11| I am really unsure of my style. I change my appearance /accessories / clothing choices about once every couple months. I know a lot of people do this, but mine range from girly girl, office worker, dork, high school kid, hippie, pop culture, and then South Dakota farm girl. I rotate often and I can’t ever pick just one style.

12| My artistic brain never shuts off! I have a lot of projects rolling around in my mind, but I’m never sure where to go or what to start. I am really great at starting a project to never finish it.

13| If I find something I like, I will often buy two. Purses, shoes, jeans… you name it.

14| I have a hard time telling people the “cold, hard truth”. It makes me feel like a totally rotten person.

15| My Friend Dawn introduced me to this wonderful thing called Happy Hour, every time we go out in the city for happy hour after work I feel like I fell right out of Sex and the City! Love LOVE Happy Hour!

16| Speaking of Happy Hour, recently I’ve become more of a wine drinker than ever before, I always used to trend toward the beers – mostly Miller Light, but now, I head for the wine glass, except I’ve taken a little bit of a sabbatical because I drank too much of it this winter, and the smell of red wine makes me a bit queasy.

17| Halloween is my favorite Holiday – Christmas is second. I don’t even know if it’s about the “holiday” so much as it is about all the cute decoration!

18| I take selfies – who doesn’t anymore. The difference is, I don’t post ALL of them online.

19| My dream in life was always to be a studio photographer. I used to gather stuff around the house and set up a studio and pretend take photos of my Cabbage Patch Kids.

20| Eric and I got married when I was 23, I look back now thinking “wow, I was so young” … and I was. I am so happy to have 7 years of marriage under my belt at this point though. I love that guy!


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