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Back on Track

January and February have always been "downer" months for me.

I have in the past struggled with depression, not debilitating, but for sure makes me a more snarly version of myself. The past few weeks I've struggled to put a smile on my face.

The wind, the rain, the non-stop grey sky really gets a person down.

SAD - or Seasonal Affective Disorder is a whole lot harder to battle here in Seattle where the skies are often grey; and during the months of January and February, SAD is particularly hard on me. Last weekend was normally my weekend to "Recharge" and "Rebound" but then I got smacked in the face (literally) with some pink eye, and it made me angry, probably unreasonably so.

Don't worry - I'm on the rebound now, March and April are often months when I "bounce back" and start to notice that I'm feeling SAD and angst-y, so I start to DO something about it instead of hanging out feeling SAD and angst-y.

I was a bear on Friday - didn't crack a smile for nothing, and then when lunch time came, I called Eric, and told him, I was feeling angry, sad and depressed for no good reason. He did his normal tricks to make me smile. By the time I got home on the bus, I felt a little better, and then we had dinner together and hung out, and I felt a LOT better. This weekend was full of rest, and recharge and a bit of visiting old friends. It helped.

March is packed to the gills with fun activities and things to do - so I'm optimistic that it's just the dose of medicine I need to kick SAD in the butt.


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