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The Power of Purple

It’s that time of year again… Relay.

There's a Momma sized hole in my heart that just won't quite heal... Last year, as I took the track for the Luminaria Lap, I found myself being pulled aside for different reasons, and I didn’t really get to honor Mom the way I wanted to. I realized that since 2009 when I started walking to honor Mom I have had nothing but Relay on the brain, and it took over a little. Now that I’m making the turn into year 3 without Mom, I’ve decided to step back a bit, and step up my Fundraising game to fight back against this disease that took my Mom.

Cancer took too much from us as a family, losing Mom in June of 2011 was incredibly difficult for everyone, but I think watching the cancer slowly take her over was the saddest thing any of us had ever experienced. She had a really long, hard fought battle, and in the end, the cancer was just too strong, too much, too greedy. 

We don’t want any other family to feel the pain of losing a loved one to Cancer, so we fight back as a family. The night we laid her to rest – we filled the track with nearly 60 people in Watertown, South Dakota to walk for her honor, we cried, we laughed and we helped each other get through it all. This year we will walk without her in our survivor lap, we will have to walk without her next to us, but we will not walk without her in our hearts. 

We are going to raise money to fight against this disease that has taken too much from us, and help give families more time together! The funds we raise for the American Cancer Society help put years on people’s lives. The diagnosis Mom received in June of 2009 was Stage 3b. We were expected to get 6 months, to one good year left with Mom. We lost her just two years after she was diagnosed. Two years is a lot more than we were promised, and we cherished every minute.

The American Cancer Society not only funds cancer research, but also funds several programs for cancer patients to help them with their treatment and live better lives – that is why we fundraise for them!
I celebrate, remember, and fight back for my Mom by raising money for the American Cancer Society!

If you too have a loved one you have lost to cancer, please let me know their story, I would love to honor their memory at our Relay. If you know someone is battling cancer let me know and, invite them to a Relay, and let us honor them! 

I wonder, every day what It would be like if My Mom was here beside me. What her battle would be like, or really, if this whole thing wouldn't have ever happened. I wish so many things for her, but mostly that she'd be here just to hug. Thank you so much for your continued love and support, I could not have made it through these last few years without you!


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