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The last of the visitor photos...

This is me losing my mind looking for something in my purse, Erica found it necessary to document my madness, and I reminded her that it was hereditary :)
I hate to report that after taking like 950 photos on our two day trip to the Olympic National Peninsula we didn't take a whole lot for the remainder of their visit. 

On Saturday we slept in and then headed in to see the EMP! Erica's really into Nirvana right now, so the EMP was the perfect place for her.

Oh Seattle... I love you.

Erica took this picture of us buying the admission to the EMP you can see us all!

The obligatory shot of the Guitar funnel! So cool!

They have an exhibit of a guy who builds buildings out of Lego's. The Space Needle was my favorite one!

Paying the entrance fee to the EMP also means you have admission to the "Can't look away" horror exhibit, the SciFi exhibit and the Fantasy exhibit. Nerd extraordinaire....

This is (one of) Christopher Reeves suits from the original movies!

And something the girls were really excited to see from Doctor Who.

When we walked into the fantasy exhibit - I was not expecting to see anything that would really thrill me. But then I stumbled upon this... and became nearly weak in the knees.

Margaret Hamilton's black hat from the Wizard of Oz... My Holy Grail!

I paid my homage to the hat, and then turned the corner to see him standing there....

Courage.... Oh Bert Lahr... your portrayal of the Lion was my favorite.

And standing next to him was a full regalia for a Winkie guard!

That brings my tally up to 4 authentic Wizard of Oz pieces I've seen in real life. Thrilled!

I digress...  after the EMP we grabbed a bite to eat at the Steelhead Diner. The Poutine (as usual) was delish!

We smelled the flowers, took in the crowd and browsed in the Golden Age Comic Book Store.

Then, to the Gum wall, to be grossed out!

Shannon added her piece.

The girls were a little bummed to have to get rid of their gum.

I still can't believe how big my little girl is getting!

After the market - we headed home, we had enough excitement for one day! Eric made dinner and then we hung out at home. It was a great day downtown!

The next afternoon we had an appointment to go glass blowing at Rainier Glass Studio.

This is my new favorite activity for visitors. It's a 100% Seattle type experience and you get a beautiful souvenir from your labor!

The girls both made glass floats. Miranda's was Orange and Tangerine.

Erica's was "Rainbow".

And Shannon made a spinner dish - it is Pink & Purple.

Owen (the guy who helped us) was awesome, and HE was the girls' favorite part about glass blowing. Teenage girls are so funny that way!

Shannon's piece turned out awesome!

After the glass blowing, we tried to find street parking to check out the Library, but we got no such luck. We decided to try the Library again after the waterfront.

We meandered around all the nifty gifty shops down at the piers, and then hit up the Great Wheel for a spin!

We tried the library again after the waterfront, but it was closed, So, we headed home to dinner and then to Full Tilt for some Ice Cream.

The following day they had to pack up (sad!) and we ate lunch before dropping them off at the airport. There were a few tears shed but I'm hoping they had so much fun that they'll come back to visit soon.

Erica may very well be packing her bags to move here as we speak!


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