We went in on Tuesday morning at 7 and I finally got rolled back into surgery around 10:30, they asked me all sorts of questions, ran some tests, and got me prepped for surgery in that time. Eric was good comic relief. Once they took me back into surgery, he went out and ran some errands, and got some coffee because we left home so early!
came out of surgery and recovery around 1 and we were home by about
2:30. A really quick procedure all things considered.
I got a call this afternoon from my surgeon's assistant telling me that my surgeon has
requested an additional procedure because I still have remaining
gallstones in my bile duct. That procedure is called an ERCP and I will
have it done on Wednesday of next week. Should be just a day procedure
and the nurse said that I should be able to be back at work the
following day.
So, healing here is slow moving, but positive. Every day
and it seems like every hour feels better. Except for when I sneezed
earlier today, It made me cry, so many tummy muscles used in a sneeze!!
Thanks for everyone's thoughts, prayers and texts! It's so nice to be loved and supported!