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California Adventure!

 Two weeks ago our IT VP came to me and asked if I wanted to go to Long Beach for a Laserfiche Conference. It's the same conference I got to go to last year in Anaheim, but with different classes and MORE information than anyone person could absorb in a single week. So I happily accepted and two weeks later I was on a plane to Long Beach!
 The Conference was held at the Long Beach Conference Center just down the way from Rainbow Bay which hosts the Queen Mary among other cool things!

 This was the view from Sonja and I's room!

Our Vendor, Cities Digital took us for a 2 block Limo ride....That's Matt and Melissa's ... we're there?! Faces.

 This is my "I'm in a Limo in Southern California" face.
 They also arranged for a very special party guest.... Erik Estrada of Chips! Those are our "We're excited to meet Erik Estrada" faces.
 Sonja, Erik and I!

 That happened....
Here's our awesome Cities Digital team... they make us so happy!
My Erik Estrada autograph!

 Thursday we got out of class early, Sonja and Melissa took off, So Matt and I explored the Long Beach harbor!

 We hopped on a boat for $12 and got more than our money's worth.

 Then, we headed to In and Out Burger ... Yum!

The Next morning... we headed to Disneyland... Naturally.
 We logged nearly 17 miles, and rode every ride possible, our timing was impeccable and the day was nothing short of Magical. But I would not expect any less from Disney.

 I got to see this girl - who has been working down in Disneyland for awhile now, she was holding down the fort at the Chamber of Commerce at California Adventure... I was so excited!

We lucked out and happened to be there the day Elton John was performing ... He sang The Circle of Life... it was all of my 8th grade dreams coming true!

Contrary to popular belief... Matt DID have fun there too... he just happened to photobomb us as we got our ears.

We met these ladies at California Adventure, their last name happened to be Kneeland too! Small world.

Belle ♥ Again, my 8th grade self just about exploded, Belle has long time been my favorite.

Us about to take off on the Matterhorn.


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