At the end of January
last year Tacy and I went up to
Perfect Pals to socialize the cats. I left wanting nothing more than to take them all home, so instead I
committed to just go up there again instead of just saying I will go up there again.
Tacy helped me keep that commitment, so today we went up to Arlington to pet cats! I only took a few photos this time. Above is
Tacy loving on the kitties. At Perfect Pals you normally have one or two cats on your lap at a time and about three or four surrounding you waiting for pets. They need love so much.
Here's a few unique critters I encountered...

The kitty that looks like Phantom from the Phantom of the Opera. He was a sweetie, but really wanted you to come pet him as opposed to fighting for pets.

And this funny looking kitty named Sweet Pea Princess... and below her Chuck one of my standby favorites. I couldn't help but to laugh at Sweet Pea Princess, and I gave her the name of Sweet Pea Princess squishy face... because look at that squishy face!
As always, Perfect Pals gave me a perfect day... I love petting kitties!