These pictures make me think of THIS song...
Florence and the Machine makes me happy - they're crazy cool.
I digress... on to the doggy part...
Kat gave me a call and asked if Aquaman, Eric and I wanted to go to the Doggy park with her, Cosmo and Seven. We were kind of aching to get outside because it was actually pretty nice outside.
Here's Seven, we're going to call this BM (Before Mud)...

How do you even stop a dog from getting into mud when they're having THIS much fun!!!
Speaking of Mud - Cosmo dines on his favorite snack... fresh Mud. He's such a funny puppy!
Again with the Mud... these two had us giggling the whole walk down to the doggy park.

Kat does such a great job wrangling them!
This picture of Seven totally cracks me up... I love how his tongue is hanging out!
This little one actually did pretty well at the dog park. His normal disposition is to bark and growl at every dog that passes by... you know because he's "tough". But we got him going on the obstacle course and he seemed to enjoy himself quite a bit.
Cosmo isn't quite as cooperative as Seven and Aquaman are when it comes to picture taking - that's why you see a little fewer of him than the other two.
Aquaman was just happy to be outside with his people, and two dogs he doesn't mind hanging around.
My Happy Boy.
Cosmo is always very curious of Aquaman and as you can see Aquaman is about to wuss out and hide behind Eric's legs.
So we hit the obstacles again ... up the ramp!
King of the mountian!
And down....
Here's a nother happy boy... he was THRILLED to be playing!
Cosmo getting some love from Kat!
The three boys enjoying their time outside!
Seven checking out the tires.
Seven had to take one more roll in the mud.
Aquaman was done... and ready to go home - he's been passed out in his doggy bed ever since.
He even made a few friends... just his size!
It wasn't a Dog day... it was a Doggy Day!
Full of MUD - and fun!
Thanks for inviting us Kat!
Florence and the Machine makes me happy - they're crazy cool.
I digress... on to the doggy part...
Kat gave me a call and asked if Aquaman, Eric and I wanted to go to the Doggy park with her, Cosmo and Seven. We were kind of aching to get outside because it was actually pretty nice outside.
Full of MUD - and fun!
Thanks for inviting us Kat!