Rick & Morty... Eric was Rick (on the left) I need to start this blog post with saying that I'm 100% sad about Halloween being behind me. I should also justify that comment with the fact that I was not in the Halloween spirit this year like I have been in years past... and that It really only hit me at the beginning of last week. So, too little too late? Either way, I really enjoyed the week, and yesterday was a perfect Halloween! The first thing I want to share is the costume references that Eric and I choose this year. Mine was very last minute, but probably one of my favorite costumes I've ever done, and Eric's was pretty planned out for quite awhile. He knew right away what he wanted to be, he just had to work on putting it together, and it all came together perfectly last night about 5 O'Clock when I realized I had a brown pair of pants in my closet that would fit him! So, Eric was Rick from a TV show on Adult Swim he enjoys. I was Charlie Bro...