Okay - So, I'm pretty new to this blog thing, and It's kind of fun! I hope that you enjoy reading it more than I enjoy posting it. If so, we're both in good shape! I have yet to tell Eric all about the wonderfulness of "our" blog, because last night we had Tim over for Monday night football and I barley saw Eric! It dawned on me that fall is in full swing with the coming of Monday night football and the Vikings blowing it (as usual). It feels so good to wake up and breath the crisp fall air! We don't get the fall colors out here as we did in the midwest but I sure do enjoy the weather! I have brought my own fall leaves into work to decorate my desk, it helps! Eric is still reluctant to "fall" into the season (excuse the pun). I bought him a pumpkin cookie yesterday in hopes that it would bring him around to let me put up my fall leaves at home, no avail, but I'll keep you posted!
I hope all is well with you and yours,
Enjoy the photo kind of a "blast from the past" if you will.. This is us the very first fall we were together! Awwwwwwwwhhhh....
♥ Abby