It was SUPER sunny out here today, so Eric was determine to get us outside and enjoy it! I was feeling a bit BLAH and didn't really want to go, but I'm glad he got me out of the house.
Before we left, we took Gracie out on the deck to enjoy the sunshine, for whatever reason when you take her out on the deck she gets incredibly calm and can bear us holding her, so when it's sunny out we take advantage of the situation. I sat her down on the deck with a collar and a leash on (because I'm paranoid she'd run straight off our 2 story deck) and she sat where the sun had been shining and howled because her paws were hot, instead of moving like a smart kitty would. I love my poor house cat who rarely sees the outdoors.
Eric and I had a meeting at the church this morning for Lazy F which is a retreat we're working on next weekend. It was good to get that over with and get outside. All the photos were taken at Marvista park which is in the neighbor hood (right next door to) where Eric grew up. It's like a trip down memory lane every time we go. I love it.
It was a great weekend. Katherine came over on Saturday to "get me out of the house" since Eric's friend Reiner came down to play (visit). We went and ran random errands, because that's what Katherine and I do, run random errands. It was good to get out of the house, and spend money! lol. I hope that you guys had a good weekend too. I can't wait for the next one Lazy F is the best retreat and I will have LOTS AND LOTS of photos to post!
Much Love,