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Zippity Doo Da (Volume 1)

Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold,
the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.- Aristotle

So, I have many things to be happy about this week / thankful for. I don’t even know where to start, so I’m just going to list things in no particular order.

-My Mom is healthy. Yesterday she was at the clinic with a swollen neck and a lump, they did some blood work and everything is normal and decided that it’s an abscess tooth that needs to come out that caused infection. She’s on penicillin but she will be okay … Praise God!

-Eric went to the Mariner’s game last night and Had a great time with Tim, they don’t get as much hang out time as they used to so it was nice to see them able to connect.

-Last night I got a lot of things done, not everything I wanted to, but a lot of things done, I folded laundry, took Aquaman for a walk and made inspiration cards for Eric to take with him on his mission trip in a couple weeks. Things I normally procrastinate and then look at the clock and cuss out loud because it’s bed time.

-A couple weeks ago I bought myself a mini bible to put in my commuter bag at an attempt to spend more time reading it. I have been using it more and more, and I’m very proud of that fact.
-Even though I’ve been reading my bible a lot more, I did get into a semi heated argument on the bus with the lady I often sit next to the other morning, the plus side? I think she saw my point of view and I totally saw hers, I guess we both learned a little.

-I got new sandals this weekend and they’re broke in and the most wonderful $20 investment ever & they’re totally cute!

-My Brother, his wife and their boys got all officially moved into their new farm! The boys have plenty of room to run now, and they’re super happy about that!

-I got a massage on Friday night and it was everything my aching back needed!

-Only a mere month till vacation … VACATION!!!!

So there they are, things that keep me smiling!
Happy Tuesday!


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