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Weekend Bliss

Some weekends I stress, some weekends I vegg, and some weekends I just get a whole lot done and don't even realize it. This weekend I had a little bit of everything.

I tried not to stress to much but sometimes my mind gets away with me. I have been trying to get my mind right but summer time makes me lazy and I tend to lose myself just a little bit. I am working on getting back on track for the fall since the fall and winter are when I flourish. I think that's why I start counting down for fall in the beginning of August.

I also vegged a lot this weekend. Eric had his friend Reiner over on Saturday so I spent the first couple hours of Saturday making a Relay for life book for my Mom. I had gotten pictures developed from the walk; one set for me and one for her, and after talking to her we decided that they'd just end up in a shoe box somewhere if I sent them loose. I'm looking forward to sending the book in the mail for her this week. And then this morning Eric and I vegged on the couch all morning watching 'Saving Private Ryan' on tv.

The productivity came in on Saturday when Kat came to pick me up and we ran errands together. We went to Federal Way and shopped a little bit and then came home and Eric was cooking dinner, I ate a little bit and then got to work on my scrapbook which was a huge project! I had pictures from April that I hadn't gotten around to putting down on paper. I was way, WAY behind. I got the entire stack done and I'm officially caught up to August pictures. I realized that I probably should throttle back on taking pictures of my dog, it's a little out of control how many pictures of this animal are in my possession. But he's just so cute... how do you resist?

I'm looking forward to a good solid week at work, one of my co-workers is out on vacation so I expect my desk will be just a little hairy. I'm still loving my job and never dread a day.

Right now I'm enjoying a quiet house, my family and ignoring the overwhelming stack of dishes in the kitchen. I think we all need to do a Little more of that.



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