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Monday Ramblings.

Wow, so I am for the first time kind of stuck on a post. I have started and restarted typing this post about 3 times now. I guess my mind is a little boggled. I’m going to just ramble, because it’s my blog and I can do that.
-This weekend was good, lots of R & R and a little visiting with friends, both are good things.
-Happy the Seahawks blew Jacksonville out of the water this weekend, it makes for a happier Ronnebeck household.
-The pumpkin patch was a success and I got to buy 4 pumpkins in all and am really looking forward to The Great Pumpkin Carve of 2009!
- Friday morning I was starting to think that the bus driver was in some sort of a conspiracy to try to make me late for work and make me never be able to stop into Starbucks ever again, this morning a different driver, Got into the city early, got a White mocha and to work with plenty of time to spare… Heaven for a Monday.
-Aquaman desperately needs a haircut and a bath.
-I’m feeling uninspired lately as well as unproductive, unorganized and unmotivated to fix any of the above, not sure what my problem is.
-I’m happy I do not live in South Dakota as they’ve already gotten 2 inches of snow as of last conversation with Mom. We haven’t even had our first frost yet.
-Sad the Twins couldn’t pull it out over the Yanks.
-Enjoyed listening to the confirmation students papers last night, makes me revisit my relationship with Jesus Christ.
-Micah 6:8 – good verse.
Happy Monday to all! Thanks for letting me ramble. Abby


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