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Mummy Madness!

I baked cupcakes today! I made them in to mummies to celebrate my favorite holiday ever! I try not to make too many treats this time of year, because I definetly don't need to eat them, but there are so many cute ideas out there for cupcakes. I won't be sending any your way Mom, sorry I don't think they'd make the trip in one piece.
This is obviously why I don't make cupcakes often!
I also whipped up a batch of very spicy Turkey Chilli and some corn bread muffins.
I think I'm done cooking for awhile.
We had a busy weekend. Friday night, Tim, Eric and I went to our last Mariner's game with Mindy, Phil, and their friends.
It was a great time, and wish we could have come home with a W, but it was nice to see the boys on the field one last time.
Saturday morning Eric and I woke up and watched "house of 1000 corpses", a Rob Zombie movie that is pretty gross actually. Then I went and gallivanted the afternoon away with Katherine and then Tim, Kat, Eric and I went out to eat at our favorite Indian food spot. We ate for quite awhile because the service was a little slower than normal.
But it was a good time to hang out with Tim and Katherine.
Sunday is always full of football in the fall. I went to the grocery store and got a few things to make my goodies and came home and got to work. I uploaded a few pictures to facebook and then we took Aquaman for a walk in the park after watching the Mariners take home their 85th win of the season.
It was a great weekend, I'm not ready for Monday quite yet, but I'll get there I'm sure.
All my Love, Abby


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