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Tim Oleson has been a mentor and a friend of mine for almost 12 years now... we've been through many ministry programs and worked very closely together. In 2003 I worked as the summer intern at the church that Tim just got his first youth directing gig; Grace Lutheran in Des Moines. I fell in love with lots of things and grew closer with Tim and his wife Katherine as more than just my NeSoDak counselors from high school, they were friends, best friends.
When I needed a change in life, Tim and Kat were there, Tim introduced me to Eric, and it's been a great history. Tim has decided to go back to school to become a pastor, and an amazing pastor he will be. This means leaving his gig at GLC to do school full time.
The kids are all super sad to see him leave, and the advisor's aren't sure what we'll do without him. Last night, we all decided we'd show Tim just how much of an impact he's made in all of our lives...
We threw him a surprise Thank you party!
He was really REALLY surprised, overwhelmed and gratified by what was said and shared last night. It was just a little way for us to say thank you, but it meant so much to him. We also "Roasted" Tim, a la Friar's Roast style. Eric got a chance to roast his best friend, and ended every statement with "Boom Roasted" a la Michael Scott style.
And in the end after laughs and a tearful video made by Tessa and the kids, Tracie presented Tim with a scrapbook full of memories from the kids and lots of love was in the room.
Thank you Tim, for changing my world, for being there always... you deserve the best the world has to offer.


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