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Happy President's Day!

It's great to get a three day weekend and not even really realize it till Sunday night. Last night as I was sitting on the couch I realized that I get to sleep in tomorrow morning - and the clouds parted and the angels sang the hallelujah chorus. It felt good to wake up to no alarm this morning. 9:00 rolled around and I slowly made my way out of bed; and just like a kid I'm sitting on the living room couch watching Sesame Street - Oh Fond Memories....
We had a great weekend that went by rather slowly which is what I love about long weekends.
Friday was Anti Valentines day with Tim and Katherine at Hooters. We also played a couple games of 'Ticket to ride' which is quickly becoming the best board game ever; we affectionately call it Trains - and I actually won a game this weekend which was a first.
Saturday we hung around home. I worked on 'pimpin' my blogs and making them look cute - I was getting sick of the one color format. I look forward to the times I get to change it based on the seasons because I'm festive like that. Then around 9:00 we headed north to Lynnwood to see our dear friends Ivan & Dawn. I know ... it was late, but it's been a long time since we've been able to see them and our schedules just haven't meshed well together, and we really wanted to see them. So, after Ivan got off work we headed to Lynnwood and hung out till about 1:30. It was a late night but a night filled with desert and laughter, what more can you ask for?
Sunday we decided we were going to go see a movie. Eric has wanted to see Wolfman since he saw the first leaked previews for it - since he wanted to see it so badly, I finally agree'd to go even though I wasn't super excited to see it. But what the hell were we thinking going to a movie on Valentines day?!?!?!?! The place was PACKED. The movie itself wasn't too bad but the lines to get tickets were impossibly long. It was a pretty good movie - I didn't hate it. Eric was very happy that he got to see it. We then came home, ate some Safeway Chinese and fell in to our normal Sunday night rituals of Cartoon domination and sleep.
Now, here I am awake at 9am on a Monday morning and feeling a little out of place as if I should be some where. I'll be on my way out the door soon, to make sure my puppy gets a good muddy run in the park before I have to give him a bath.
Have a lovely Presidents Day Everyone!


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