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Slice of Life : The Sunday Edition

This weekend was low key for sure... yesterday consisted of errands to our favorite places. Action City, Best Buy and Uwajamaya. We got NEW MOON which hit shelves yesterday, and a couple new CD's, and then off to get fresh fish for my husband who deserves all the fresh fish in the world for waiting on me hand and foot for the past 4 days - seriously folks, I married greatness. I got to eat my first bit of solid food, and all I wanted is a disgusting McDonalds Cheeseburger and fries, which turned out to be nice and soggy for my teeth and the meat merely disintegrated in my mouth... Thank you McDonalds for not using REAL beef so I was able to "Chew" my burger! And then as if his waiting on me hand and foot wasn't enough to show his love, he let me watch New Moon. *Sigh...
After being in a fog of post wisdom teeth drugs I woke this morning to the sun shining and the birds chirping and for the first time in days it didn't bother me. I would like to report that I then threw on my shoes, grabbed Aquaman and went for a walk because my teeth didn't hurt and for goodness sake the sun was shining, but I didn't. I made my way to the couch, snuggled back under my favorite quilt with a pillow, and watched Harry Potter 2 & Part of 3. I dozed off for about 15 minutes and then forced Eric out of the house to get me some more soft food as crunchy food is still not on the diet plan. We pulled into the Albertson's parking lot to a down pour of rain - Seattle still surprises me with the rain! And now, I sit on the couch a little clouded and rainy outside, TV tuned into Harry Potter 4 and not looking forward to my alarm going off at 4:50 am for me to get out of bed and moving instead of for me to take more pain meds; but I'm looking forward to going to work and seeing the world again from my desk.
With that.. I give you... my Slice of Life on this Rainy / Sunny Sunday evening.
Outside my Window : a very quiet Marine View drive, with a bunch of clouds screwing up the sunset.
I'm Thinking: I can't wait for Harry Potter 7 (Part 1 &2) to come out... These movies are great
I'm Thankful For: My husband ... what an amazing man God has put in my life, this week would have been a bad week without him.
From the Kitchen: Mac and Cheese - not on the diet plan ... but on the SOFT diet plan!!!
I am wearing: My favorite Jeans and My Beltre Mariner's shirt I love lazy day attire.
I'm going: back to the dentist on Thursday to check on my healing progress
I'm hoping: for some good news (See above)!
I'm Hearing: Lord Voldemort calling his Death Eaters.... Yep I told you I love these movies!
Around the House: Is a little organized chaos... and some scrap booking pages completed!
I'm wondering : when I will be able to eat good solid crunchy food!
A few plans for the rest of the week : NOTHING!!!! I don't have a single meeting!
Here's a Picture for a thought I am sharing....
I am so glad I married this man...


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