See? Tony ALWAYS starts the fights... First he picks on Shannon till she yells for Mom, then I try to step in and help out - and soon he has me in an arm lock and then I'm yelling for Mom.
I remember fighting with my brother and sister when I was little just to fight. I think secretly all three of us were trying to drive Mom crazy - Sorry Mom. Since Tony ALWAYS started it... it ensued until Mom would raise her Mom Voice - I would answer "But Tony started it..." and Mom would reply "I don't care who started it; I'll END it!" then we would continue to punch and pinch on a smaller scale till the Mom voice came out again or until one of us (me) started to cry.
I came across these photos today in my search for something to cheer up my desktop background and they made me laugh out loud.
At what age do we stop picking on our siblings?
For my brother? I think it will be once his sister's can hand it to him - and we're getting dangerously close even though we don't practice nearly enough any more.
But yet again, here we are 34-32-25 ... Trying to get the best of one another.
I Love my siblings... They're great!
And Mom? This is photographic proof that TONY STARTED IT!!!!
And this (above) is proof his sisters can hold their own!
As long as we gang up on him!