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Slice of Life : The It's been awhile edition...

  • Outside my Window: Clouds. There’s been a lot of cloud cover recently and I don’t hate it. I hate not knowing how to dress for the “Great outdoors” every morning, as it’s too dark at 5:00am to figure it out by simply “looking out the window” I am so looking forward to daylight savings time.
  • I'm thinking: Tonight’s going to be a lazy day. Eric and I had a busy day running around enjoying our town yesterday and a little downtime in the evening. I like downtime!
  • I'm Thankful For: Being home. I love visiting my family and I love traveling, but there’s something about the routine of being home that makes me very happy and complete.
  • From the Kitchen: Chef Eric has prepared a multitude of tasty treats, but today is birthday food day at work which means PIZZA and Cake!
  • I am wearing: My [new favorite] purple shirt, and my grey slacks (ugh I just said the word slacks) Black socks, pearl necklace and black heels. I’m in “Business Abby” apparel today I guess.
  • I'm going: to see two very good girlfriends this weekend! I am super excited for both for different reasons in different ways. I ♥ you ladies.
  • I'm hoping: That the time till Lent flys by. I really need to get my act together and get my butt to church, more on that later.
  • I'm Hearing: God calling me back to the real world. Thanks God, I missed you too.
  • I Love: my Husband. I know that’s cheesy and I say My husband for this answer every time, but it’s true, it’s such a blessing to be married to your best friend in life.
  • Around the House: Aquaman is stinky right now. He needs a bath – majorly; Gracie is warming up to Eric – they snuggle lots – it’s cute.
  • I'm wondering: a myriad of things. This is kind of a loaded question.
  • A few plans for the rest of the week: Just hanging out... It's kind of a quiet week - not even a single meeting which is RARE! Relay was last week, Call committee (nearing an end) is on Sunday! Woo Hoo for Freedom!
  • Here's a Picture for a thought I am sharing....
    How handsome is this guy? This one surfaced after the wedding I shot, and It makes me smile, A lot.


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