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Ten on Tuesday

  1. I'm trying to keep my smile on my face, really I am. I am trying to be a happier person, really, I am. I am trying to keep my frown from turning upside down, really, I am. My positive attitude has been lost somewhere inside of me, and I'm working on it.
  2. Eric made some bread pudding this week, and WOW, it's so good.
  3. I am falling increasingly in love with the Protein plate from Starbucks, I can almost NOT resist buying it for breakfast.
  4. Why do I keep talking about food? Oh ... because I LOVE it - and I have started working out again. Which is slowly but surely coming along.
  5. Aquaman and Gracie are the best pets in the universe. Gracie is coming around in leaps and bounds and she is making me incredibly happy - and my dog is so cute, let's just face it.
  6. ROLLERDERBY ROCKS MY WORLD - I am waiting on two books (and one documentary) to come in to the Des Moines Library so I can read up! I'm psyched!
  7. Mom is having a decent week - that makes me smile.
  8. My new phone is kicking butt - and I love it, though I think I need to find a case for it so I don't destroy it.
  9. The sun is shining in my window today - another cup of coffee and I should be on my way!
  10. My life is about setting little goals right now - this week, I'm going to pick up my camera more - even if it means exploring my phone camera.


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