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We had such a great weekend! It was the kind of weekend that makes me sigh with happiness instead of frustration!

I will try not to blather on about it too much because then my Ten on Tuesday will totally suck. But here are some highlights.

  • Friday night random errand night which included Michaels, Claim Jumper and a profitable stop at Game Stop. Eric turned some of our unused games into $40 store credit at Game Stop! WOOT!
  • Saturday Morning we went down to Blue Vanilla Bakery... yummm. I brought my camera in high hopes that I'd be a picture snapping fool, but then it started to rain, and my camera spent the entire journey in my pouch of my hoodie - BOOOO!
  • Saturday Afternoon? Baked Chocolate Coffee Frosted cookies, my best batch to date!
  • Checked out Fast Girl Skate Shop in Wallingford. We stopped by to get tickets to the next RCRG's Bout, but really it left me chanting "Derby, Derby, Derby" all night long.
  • That being said, I got to pick up my NEW OWLY Book at the Comics Dungeon right next to the Skate Shop. YAY NEW OWLY!!!
  • Saturday Evening - Spent some much needed time with our amazing wonderful (blog reading) friends Dawn & Ivan!
  • Sunday morning - Gallivanting with Katherine - always a pleasure
  • Sunday evening - Time with Jessie & Lori... wonderful!
  • Sunday Night - Time with my husband... Blissful!
What did YOU do this weekend?


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