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Just another Manic TAX DAY

So... Today April 18th 2011 is TAX DAY - you know the day when people storm the post office and request their IRA contributions to be made IMMEDIATELY. It makes for a crazy day any ways, coupled with the fact that it's Monday had this song running through my head - but I added my own frustrations/trials in the ('s) ...

Hope you enjoy your Manic Monday/Tax Day - and hope your taxes are all ready sent!

Six o'clock already (More like 4:30am)
I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissin' Valentino (Or my Husband)
By a crystal blue Italian stream
But I can't be late (Ever)
'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid (Or I'd be behind because it's tax day!)
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already made

It's just another manic Monday (TAX DAY)
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday (TAX DAY)

Have to catch an early train
Got to be to work by nine (I WISH)
And if I had an air-o-plane
I still couldn't make it on time
'Cause it takes me so long (40 minutes with No traffic)
Just to figure out what I'm gonna wear (Zebra Stripes)
Blame it on the train (or the bus)
But the boss is already there (Nope, she's in Maui)

(This last part doesn't really apply... but It's in the
All of the nights
Why did my lover have to pick last night
To get down
Doesn't it matter
That I have to feed the both of us
Employment's down
He tells me in his bedroom voice
C'mon honey, let's go make some noise
Time it goes so fast
When you're having fun (Yes it does)


Madge said…
I expected a completely crazy day yesterday, but it was a total non-event. We had one person with a cost basis question, that's it... All day. Sorry yours was hectic. Today you should get to breathe a little.

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