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Ten on Wednesday - Because I'm totally a day off this week

1| Sorry guys - today's Wednesday, only in my brain it's Tuesday. That whole not working on a Monday thing really throws a gal for a loop. Plus, you'd probably rather have wonderful fun Christmas photos than my ramblings on a Tuesday after Christmas.

2| I am severely angry with my orange pet right now - so much so that I've given though to giving her away. I had a mini break down last night when I realized if it came to the wire that I couldn't ACTUALLY give her away... Stupid cat making her way to my heart. Oh Gracie what am I to do with you? =^..^=

3| The book I created for Mom's Memory arrived just before Christmas - it filled my heart with Joy, and a little sadness all the same time. I did okay through Christmas, but the hardest part was sitting in church on Christmas Eve with all the candlelight - I pretty much sobbed through the last 15 minutes of the service.

4| Ivan and Dawn stopped by Christmas Eve and it was such a blessing to spend some time with them! Wish you guys lived next door!

5| Eric and I had a wonderful Christmas - we totally spoiled each other, and that's the best way to do it (if you ask me). I got a beautiful scarf, a snail necklace, a Keurig coffee machine, an iPod Touch, and a few other little goodies. Looking forward to playing all. weekend. long.

6| Today my co-worker Alex identified a song for me that I have been trying to identify for the past 4 months or so. It was playing in the bathroom while I was washing my hands so I finished quickly and ran to the front desk to make Alex run to the bathroom to listen and tell me what it is. He succeeded and for that I am grateful. Oh and the song is "Pumped up Kicks" by the Foster People. Woot! That's totally going on my itunes!

7| Oh and that Supersecret Christmas present for Eric? It was a book I made on Shutterfly about the past 5 years of our Christmases together. It turned out super cute, and in 5 years I'll be making Volume 2. Yay for new traditions!

8| In all the Christmas Cards I sent I only got one returned to me - and it was my own fault, It makes me happy my Christmas wishes reached all!

9| Today is totally Tuesday - For the record.

10| Eric got the movie Super 8 for Christmas and we watched it last night. Best. Movie. Ever. It's like the Sandlot meets Goonies, with an alien, I know that description probably does it no justice, but trust me and watch it, you won't be disappointed!


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