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Oly Rollers VS: Minnesota Rollergirls

Before I head out to South Dakota for Nani's funeral, I wanted to post the shots I got from the Oly, Minnesota bout this last weekend.

I met up with Megan & Eric after shooting a wedding in Ocean shores, talk about a busy day!

I was happy to meet up with my favorite Derby Wife and my actual Husband that day! What a fun bout to watch!

That's On Da Sligh... and she's without a doubt one of the best skaters I've ever seen.
She's fast, light footed, and smart. I could watch her skate all day long.

This is often what our view looked like, a bunch of confused rollergirls while On Da Sligh just moved right through them!

And I love this shot, mostly because of the very pregnant Tannabal Lector hanging over the bumper pads screaming at her teammates... most of the game she looked like this, and at some point she got so angry she grabbed that bumper and slammed it on the ground a couple times... Oh Tanna I love your intensity for Roller Derby!


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