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Weekend O' Theater

I didn't really realize until last week just how jam packed my weekend was going to be. I even took Monday off to recover from the craziness. It actually turned out fairly relaxed, but I am glad that I have the extra day anyways, I need it.

Friday night started off with Happy Hour with Dawn. We walked down to our old trusty Sazerach to have potato balls and visit, but they were closed to a private party - BOO! So we headed to The Rock Bottom Brewery instead and had some tasty food! I walked her to the light rail, and walked around Forever 21 for awhile, which shamefully is one of my new favorite stores (sigh).

After that I met Mindy at the 5th Avenue theater to see the Addams Family Musical! Being the Halloween nut that I am, I loved it! Without Mindy's persistence and wanting to see it, I don't know if I would have gotten through the door, but that's cause I'm a procrastinator like that! So, Thank you Mindy! One of my favorite parts of the show was their entrance, because it was just so... so... Addams. If you get a chance to see it, please do, the cast does such a wonderful job!  More of a review over at my halloween blog!

I got home quite late, but woke early on Saturday to head to the Northwest Coffee festival with Eric, Kat, and Tim. Which is possibly the most pretentious thing I've ever been to. We Sniffed and drank coffee. It was a delicious $10 festival, but quite small. We were only there for about an hour when we decided we had enough coffee and chocolate (as if there's such a thing) and we went for lunch at Smarty Pants which is a delicious sandwich shop/bar in Georgetown. We spent some time walking around Georgetown, played a little teather ball and shopped. After that I came home and took a nap. Eric and I went grocery shopping and then we hung out and watched Mad Men!

This morning I woke with a skip in my step, for today we headed to see Wicked! I have been waiting SO long to see this musical! It was in town a couple years ago, but we couldn't really afford the tickets without sitting in the back row, and I just didn't want to have that experience, so we let it pass us by, and I crossed my fingers hoping it would come back, and like everything good in life, it came back in perfect timing, and me and my ruby slippers were ready!

Katherine and Tim helped us get tickets, so we all got to go together, and we had some pretty fantastic seats! We obviously can't take pictures in the theater, so here's the outside, and my favorite part of the show brought to you by youtube!

Most memorable? The Flying Monkeys are WAY scarier in Wicked than they are in the movie! And our Cast was amazing!



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