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My Fossil Bag

Remember this beautiful bag?? The bag I fought with myself over actually purchasing and then had it for 5 wonderful months when it broke so I sent it into Fossil to fix it only to have them tell me, "sorry can't fix it, pick out a new bag but oh yeah we don't carry yours anymore!". I was heartbroken, I stared at the screen of the Fossil goodies and just said "But I want MY Bag. Eric finally helped me pick out a bag that would do, but I still had this little hole in my heart missing MY Bag, MY Seafoam Green Leather Maddox Satchel.

So I did what every good bag owner does, I searched for it. For months, I've looked on eBay and on Fossil to see if maybe they had another similar. I searched online everywhere I could think of, and no avail.

After a long search - It's back! Eric found THE bag in a couple auctions and this one showed up and we won it!!!! My hubby had it all laid out and waiting for me last night when I got home! I am so happy to have it back!!! I will never let it go again!!!


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