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2013 Relay for Life Photos

 So... remember that time I allowed a purple monster to swollow my life and then I totally forgot to blog the pictures from it?

Well, Relay is that purple monster, and this year was the time I forgot to Blog the photos... but better late than never! Here they are!
 Donna & I at Opening Ceremony!
 Here we are handing out our Grand Club shirts to our 30 Grand Club Members!!
 We Teach them to Relay young.... These girls are JUST learning to walk - so we put them on the track to see if they'd go... they just sat, and gave us some cute lil smiles!

 This one... However, learned to walk at Relay last year... and this year she was All over the place, and even helped us tear down some decorations!

 I just love this little Relayin' Family!

 Our skilled Luminaria chair managed to spell out HOPE in the stands, and then change HOPE to CURE... Good Job Chris!
 My 45 + Luminaria's... Too many people!
 We lost her 2 years ago on the 20th of June... Doesn't even seem like it's possible. I brought my Momma bear to walk with me this year since Eric was in Yuma... I really miss her.

 A few "Behind the scenes" photos of what it's like to be on the committee... LONG hours and HARD work!

 Our team "Scaring away Cancer" with Monsters, Inc.... Great decorations!
 Jaylen about 5am... this is before he really started to crash!
 Our talented team mate Nicole made these!

Our team (Team Simpson) raised over $13,000 to fight cancer and we had 8 Grand Club Members!

 Our Relay - about 4am
 Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do... keeping Team Simpson on the track :)

 Team SeaHawkers!
 Tami & Teri, walking for Team SeaHawkers!
 This Three year old learned how to say Boobs at Relay - I taught her... Whoops!

 Btwn Footsloggers!
 Akira pushing Peyton around the track while she napped!
 Jamie drinking  Hot Cocoa
 This guy amazed me - Team Freddy Fighters captain Nathan, was on the track, all ... night... long...
 Team Simpson around 5am.

 Two of my favorite lap buddies - Kerry and Bruce!
All in all ? Highline Relay raised $28,800 OVER our goal of $36,500.
I was short of my goal by about $700 - But if you still like to donate, go for it :)

I Relayed for my Mom... She would have been proud!


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