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Ten on Tuesday ... Errr Wedneaday

1| Wow... where's April gone? Sounds cliche, but wasn't the 1st just yesterday?

2| My Cousin Nick announced his engagement to Brandi this week - Super happy for them!

3| #2 is what I don't love about giving up Facebook, I guess there was an announcement? I'm back on and off occasionally now that Lent is over. What I learned is that I didn't miss it. I don't miss the drama, and the insignificant posts. I understand it's a crazy good way to communicate to a mass group of people, but the daily updates of what that person was doing for dinner is just too much information for this brain to hack.

4| Studying is going good, though I woke up with thoughts of Moral Suasion this morning. Trust me, you don't need to know, but know that it is NOT a correct answer on the exam!

5| I started doing yoga in the evenings to relax my brain and body before bed time and lastnight it worked like a charm! I feel well rested for the first time in weeks! 

6| Eric and I have finally learned of the ongoing battle of lawn mowing, though it's not because we are lazy or don't want to, it's because we are waiting for the yard to dry. And, just as we can about pull the trigger an start to mow, it starts to sprinkle! Oh Seattle... Seriously?!?

7| We finally feel settled in our home. It feels like us, like we are no longer unpacking but jut living! 

8| Work has been mentally demanding on me recently, makes my brain hurt!

9| I have two happy hours planned this week, better learn some moderation... Quick!

10| Only 3.5 weeks till Noelle and Dan's big day in Ocean Shores! Can't wait to get my bridesmaid on!


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