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The Blanchette Wedding

The wedding weekend extravaganza started out with us all getting our nails and toes done. Boys included! It's the first time I've ever had fake nails done by a professional, and boy do these things have some sticktuitiveness. It's really hard to type with them on, so no judgement on the typos.

Dan asked Noelle to be his Girlfriend on May 13th. He then asked her to be his wife on May 13th, so It was only natural that on May 13th, she became his wife.  Which is why, the wedding was this past Tuesday.

It was a simple, beautiful affair with lots of beach themed goodies. We wore coral, and so did the boys. Everyone looked so beautiful and everyone was so excited.

us girls - ready for fun!
I'll spare you the details of most of it until I get some better photos. I hardly took a shot all weekend, I left it up to everyone else in their iPhones. So, this is what I've snagged so far... enjoy!

Kaitlyn helping unload my car of centerpieces.

Dan and Noelle at the Rehearsal Dinner

How the beach greeted me!

Us girls setting up the centerpieces and decorations for the reception the night before. Dig our awesome matching hoodies! Noelle and Dan had them made for us with our names embroidered on them. Love them!

We were nervous about the weather - but this is how it greeted us the morning of the wedding.

Their wedding signage!

My rad hair do and make up

All done up & Ready for a wedding!

This is our Stepford Wives photo... it was a funny experiences to all be in the bathroom and look up to see we look freaking identical!

The Flippies that Noelle made us girls - the ribbon looks orange, but it matched our dresses perfectly.

The kiss that sealed the deal

Dad walking her down the aisle.

Bridal Party Selfie


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