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For Madge

Madge at I-Madge-ine the Twaddle tagged me in this post over on her blog.

It sounded like fun to dig through the ole blog again, so I'm going to give it a shot!

Here are the rules:
1| The blogger who is nominated (me) must publish 7 links of his/her own blog for the categories below. (1 link per category).

2| The blogger then nominates 5-7 bloggers to take part, and (hopefully) it goes on.

7| The Post that I'm most proud of:
 "Something New" | This post I'm proud of less for the blogging part, but more because I accomplished so much in a year, and this is my record of that.

6| The post that didn't get the attention it deserved:
"Christmas Memories" | I even called out my sister and cousin in this post to help me reminisce, and no one said a word. It's still one of my favorites!

5| The most surprising successful post:
 "Mr & Mrs. Jonathan Knight" | again, this is because of what I did, not necessarily the quality of the post. My first wedding I photographed. I am so proud of some of the images I got!

4| The most helpful post:
"Be Still : Treasures" | A little faith insight I still struggle with. But someone had hyperlinked me on her blog because she liked it, so I call it helpful (Hi Margaret!).

3| The most Controversial Post:
"Thoughts of American Pride Persuasion" | This one was really hard for me to write, because I don't normally get up on my political soap box.

2| The Most Popular Post:
 "Chicken Never Stood a Chance" | I don't get a ton of comments on my blog, So I just chose one of Aquaman that made me giggle, since he's my most popular subject on this blog!

1| The most Beautiful Post:
"Surprise for Mothers Day" | Fair warning, if you tear easy - DON'T click that link. It was the day I flew home to surprise my Mom for Mothers Day. I ♥ you Momma.

Now here are the ones who get to play along!
1| Mary at "Letting our Light Shine"
She's a "hang out at home Mom" with her little boy Owen, her posts are very well written and make me smile! we miss you here in Washington Lady!
2| Shelley at "The Sprouffskes - Life on the Farm"
I only met Shelley once in person, but I stop by her blog from time to time to check in on her, she's super nice, and has some great recipes!
3| Margaret at "Go Team Skinny"
This blog makes me laugh out loud quite a bit - she's a busy lady in LA who looks to be having the time of her life !

And those are the only three bloggers I know personally - the rest are photographers or friends of friends, and putting them on here would just kind of be creepy.
Thanks for reminiscing with me!


Anonymous said…
Where is the 10 on Tuesday, hope there is a 10 for Wed.

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