My Brother… In continuing this series of my family, I found my thoughts wandering over to my brother today. Tony is one of the biggest smart ass’ I know. He is also a very tender hearted boy – but he wouldn’t want you to know that! He’s the biggest Vikings fan I know, and the jawing between him and Eric of whose better Vikings or Seahawks never gets old. Some of my favorite memories with Tony include playing in the mud pits at the farm, riding the inner tube behind the lawn mower after a rainy summer day, and the day he kicked the basketball off the deck toward our basketball court and it landed in the hoop. My brother never stops making me laugh, he loves to pick on me, but I know it’s because he loves me. Every time I talk to my brother on the phone and he asks “what cha doing waiting for the bus” I usually say “yes, I’m waiting for the bus” and then he starts to sing me a song by the Violent Femme’s that goes “Standing on the corner waiting for the bus – I got some place I gots to ...
Our life in the BIG city!